Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Fabulous Forties

Today I turn 40.

I double and triple-check the number coming out of my mouth,.
Somehow it's true.

My thirties were good ... watching my kids grow into their awesomeness,
forging new amazing friendships, lots of creative growth.

But it was also a decade with much loss and sadness.
There were a lot of very dark days that I didn't think I would pull out of.
I wondered if I was even capable of joy beyond the little whispers.

Now that I am coming into my own new era, I am finally starting to find some stillness and peace with myself.
Like the dust has finally settled, and resurrection is on the horizon.

Ashes, phoenix, all that jazz.

Thinking about my forties gives me uber butterflies.
(That's always a good thing.)

I am grateful.
For family, friends, animal companions, clients, cameras, divine food and drink, art, music, gardens, rain, sunshine, moonshine, little moments, big moments, opportunities, change, and

It's time to delve and cultivate.

To re-discover my weirdo Self ... Hallelujah.

Follow the journey, if you like.
I'm all for good company.

Here we goooooo .....


( The last photo of my thirties ... )


  1. "Ashes, phoenix, all that jazz." -- Yes.
    The great thing about these milestones are that they offer some clarity. I don't know if it is because we're given permission to believe in the promise of something new, something upcoming or if it is just a time for renewal -- the phoenix!
    I know I'm excited to see where you next decade takes you creatively, and I'm wishing you all the good things going forward.

    Great photo!


  2. Gah! Where have I been?! Just seeing this now. Quite a few days into 40... How's it feeling?

    So so so excited we've connected at what may just be the beginning of the best part of our creative lives!

    Hope you are relaxing and taking it easy during your big transition days. When the energy returns? Watch out world!

    Happy Birthday!
