Saturday, December 29, 2012

Clearance sale!

End-of-year purge!

All in-stock prints listed
are 50% off with code
at checkout. 

~ xox ~

IN STOCK - Mailboxes Photograph - vintage mail numbers address teal black yellow white art print home decor

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Full Moon and Fog

full moon
rushing stream
anton corbijn
time with dear faraway friends

a lovely (don't want it to) end to five days off ~ ♥

Thursday, November 22, 2012


It's Thanksgiving.  Sunset.
Thinking about how we all live deeply in our own way,
and the unknown effects we have.
Someone nearby has created an irresistably delicious smell.
I don't even know where it's coming from, but they have inspired me.
Life is moment by moment.
Suddenly a year has passed.
Suddenly ten.
I stand beneath this cotton candy sky,
grateful for it all despite my loneliness this holiday
(feline company excluded, thanks Chester).

Happy Thanksgiving to you.



Saturday, November 3, 2012


Truth be told, this was a rough week.  Out of sheer necessity, this morning I created a window for myself to center and re-group.  I got quiet, became present, and savored what was below me ...

... what was next to me ...

... and what was above me.

A Saturday night cheers to getting still.
Much love. 
~ ~ ~

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Lately there has been a surge of reminders about creating one's reality, creating one's own magic.  {Thank you to those who have had a hand ... you know who you are.}  It sounds so cryptic and out there, but I'm learning that it's as simple as moment-by-moment choices, being present and open.  It's the late-day backlight skipping over stones and through the liquidambar tree, Mazzy Star on headphones, change-worthy dreams and children nestling close. Awareness.  Making use of the mental camera.  Creating your surroundings and absorbing your environment ... it is of you as you are of it.

And sometimes it's just happening upon a blue orchid while choosing apricots at the market~ 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Summer Solstice

Today I will remain present and embrace this brightest day of the year.  Today I will picnic and venture to the pool with my children.  Today I will plant corn.  (In pots.  In your face, gophers.)  I will savor the spicy chai on my lips.  I will be curious about the shimmering blue light across the meadow.  I will make something delicious.  I will give mondo gratitude for every. single. thing.  

Today I will shoot.

Happy Solstice ... share your rituals, reflections ... show me your day.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Step away from the funk.

I get in funks.  Sometimes they're really hard to get out of.  Today I think I figured out that the key is to move.  Even if I don't want to, just simple movement can be the necessary shift.  I was in a funk this morning.  The kids begged and begged (ad infinitum) to go to the pool.  The answer was repeatedly, "No".  Then they spent a good deal of time cleaning their rooms, and worked really hard.  I caved and took them, and it ended up being the positive shift that I sought.  The kids' joy, the smell of barbecue and chlorine, the perfect breeze, dappled shade, armed with my camera, journal and a copy of Momma Zen ..... I found my center yet again.  

What are the little things that are your happiness?

Summer vacation

Hellooo, June.  It's the first full day of summer vacation for the kiddos ~ art on the deck, popsicles, crafts and merry-making ensues.  I tend to get emotional at the end of school years, knowing they're another year older, another grade higher, leaps and bounds before my eyes.  I want to savor the Summer and the little time left of them being little, give them fun and adventure, and take pictures.  Lots and lots of pictures.

And your Summer plans?

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Good things happen when I remember that I'm not battling against time.  True, it goes much faster than I would like, but one of the many joys of photography is slowing down, being present, and seeing.  Lately I've been trying to be conscious of this ... flowing with time, moment by moment, remembering to breathe.  That is magic.

Go slowly today, and tell me what you see .....